The Strange Ancient Sumeria – The Anunnaki Alien Gods And The Origin Of Reptilian Beings

The Anunnaki are the most mysterious beings in human history, to say the least. We don’t know much about them; we know they lived before us and reigned over us, but that’s about all we know about them.

Many researchers think they are descendants of the ancient Reptilian rulers that still reign over humans today.

They believe the Anunnaki forbade the Sumerians from expressing their real selves, insisting on only being shown with human faces rather than their genuine Reptilian features.

As seen by the things mentioned below, we have plenty of evidence to support this argument.

The Anunnaki are often seen carrying a pine cone-like item in sculptures or depictions. This is said to symbolize the pineal gland, which was accessed via a genetic alteration to release our true potential.

They may also be seen with a strange jar in their hands, which is said to carry the “Water of Life.”

The Anunnaki SIR bracelet is named from the ancient Babylonian word Anunnaki, which means “dragon” or “giant serpent.”

This might suggest that they were ancient serpent gods descending from the past, according to experts.

Last but not least, there’s this feminine Mother Goddess statue that was just discovered.

She and the infant are both reptilian and are described as Anunnaki.

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